What You Give Can Make a Difference
Make a Donation
Your support helps fund cutting edge research that is providing new treatments for people with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and bringing us closer to a cure. Your donation to C to C helps us support research directly as we have very low overhead and expenses, unlike larger organizations that spend donor funds on office space, salaries, and administrative expenses. You are making a difference.
Thank you.

You may send a check made out to:
Connecting to Cure Crohn's and Colitis or CtoC.
Please mail to:
Connecting to Cure Crohn's and Colitis
269 S. Beverly Drive, #243
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Connecting to Cure Crohn's and Colitis, Inc. is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation that has received IRS recognition of federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN #46-0767240). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor for specific advice on the tax-deductibility of charitable contributions.